
...i was {running}

i ran a mile tonight.  i know, not a big deal to most people, but i haven't run a consecutive mile in over 16 years.  and when i say 'run', i really mean a slow (as in a 17 min. mile) jog.

but you know what?

(photo from pinterest)

my goal tonight was to just RUN.  to just KEEP AT IT.  and i did.  

today is also day 24 of 40 in my yoga challenge.  i truly believe yoga helped me finish my mile.  i paced myself, i breathed calmly (or tried to - haha), i pushed myself, and just like when i'm holding crow, i knew the mile wouldn't last forever.  yoga has helped me get stronger mentally and physically.

i feel so much better after having MOVED for the past 24 days.  i love that my girls ask WHEN i'm going to yoga (or walking/jogging on the treadmill).  they expect me to MOVE.  i am happy that i am becoming a healthier role-model for them.

(photo from pinterest)

until next time,


  1. Awesome! Huge accomplishment! One step at a time. Just a little bit more each time. Way to go!

  2. I LOVE that your girls are picking up on your new habits. There's almost nothing better to me than when my girls pretend they are going running or want to wear my running visor. You are setting such a great example for them.

  3. You're doing sooo great! I started at the end of November with a 30 day goal of just moving each day. After that 30 days, I moved to 30 days of eating well and exercising most days. Writing down what I eat helps sooo much! And it inspires me to read what others are doing - the struggles and the triumphs!

  4. So happy for you, Jeri!!! You are doing awesome!!!

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  5. So happy for you, Jeri!!! You are doing awesome!!!
