
yoga {off} the mat

i haven't been to the actual yoga studio in - oh - a month.  i am trying to adjust to the kids being back in school, and now, to all of their extra-curricular activities.  it's so hard for a working mom (or maybe just me).  gymnastics is on monday (thankfully, my husband handles that one), soccer is on tuesday and thursday, dance is on wednesday, and soccer games are on saturday.  add to that working full-time and taking care of the house and nurturing relationships.

but, i know it's also important to take care of me.  i am working on that.

the past few weeks i have had to go to the dentist several times.  i have major anxiety.  perhaps more on that later (yea, you say).

the worst part of the experience (aside from the need to cough (summer cold) and not being able to), was when i had to lay (i had to pay a visit to grammar girl and i still don't know if that is correct) back with my head lower than my heart.  i absolutely HATED it.  i started to feel panicky, but then i thought i would try to do my 'yoga breaths' as i call them.  since i couldn't really breathe through my mouth anyway, due to the sucky-thing and the tools.

nice pic

when i first started to feel my heart race and that cold feeling run through my veins (i can't really explain it), i really thought i would have to tell (okay, mumble) for the dentist to stop and sit me up for a few minutes.  but then i really did try to just focus on my breath.  and you know what?  it worked!

although i haven't 'flowed' in a while, i am constantly trying to practice being more aware of every situation i am in, and apply what i've learned.

until later,